The Om ashram is a charitable trust,
The Om ashram is located in Dal Lake, a dynamic international Place of spiritual
seekers in Dharamshala, about 18 km Dharamshala Airport {HP}. The Dal Lake here is surrounded by mountains on Front, Of the Himalayas.
Durveswar Mahadev Temple (“Sadhana Place of the Durvasa Rishi”) is an ideal location for your Om Yoga Ashram is on a headland above the banks of the Water fall, where the wind and all the prana carried from the Himalayas invigorate the area.

The TTC provides a fantastic opportunity to awaken or deepen your yoga practice, meet old and new friends, and to be a part of the global yoga community which is growing each day. The best part of all is learning that everything we need is already within us and how the practices can lead us into accessing our gifts and beauty from the inside out. The experience provides a great way to find long lasting happiness, peace and the ability to share the yogic lifestyle with others.

Reiki is a universal Love and light. That is all. It’s where we begin to understand that true healing begins with ourselves. And healing ourselves begins with love. It’s where we begin to recognize our natural ability to heal through loving touch. Everything in the universe, including you and me is made up of these elements. So when talking about the collective universal consciousness, It is the culmination of all the great ascendant masters and guides, of all its forms of god and goddess; it is the cosmos the collective represents the is five elements in a perfect state is equal to Rai-ki – life force energy or individual consciousness,
Reiki is not a religion. It is a personal encounter with the divine – Independent or any church, sacked or holy writing, Reiki is, but it supports and bring about consciousness of whatever you believe in, Reiki brings the deepest connection between the individual and the Universal Love through the power of touch. We have a Universal Memory, a memory so old and deep that we feel it, but we know not from where it comes. It is our Universal Memory of the power of touch. In this memory, we remember that we have the power to heal with only our touch.
Hands on body.
Your first attunement:
Receiving an attunement is a very special and personal experience. It can not be adequately defined. Everyone will have a different story to tell afterwards.
Just like a radio being tuned into a certain frequency for a clear sound, the attunement tunes your frequencies to a level where you can fully receive Rei.
After you have received your Reiki 1 attunements certain qualities are activated:
you become a clear and conscious being who is guided by the higher consciousness
brings light to soul and energy in your body
you become balanced, whole and complete so therefore healing starts on all 7 body layers
you become an open and clear channel of the universal consciousness, empowering you Ki
being a channel means you are a bridge for the energy/ light to pass through, from the higher source to yourself, client, imbalanced energy,
A chakra is a center of organization that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. The word ‘chakra’ literally translates as ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’ and refers to a spinning sphere of bioenergetic energy branching forward from a subtle energy channel in the spine. The channel is made up of 3 parts: the Shushumna at the core of the spine, the most important energy channel; and the Ida and Pingala that flow back and forth around the outside of the Sushumna. This channel distributes energy throughout the subtle energy system. There are 7 of these wheels stacked in this column of energy that starts from the base of the spine (root chakra) to the top of the head (crown chakra). The frequency and complexity of the energy in each chakra increases in each successive chakra. The root chakra has very basic, dense energy (making it easier to see) where the crown chakra has very refined energy. The chakras are responsible for creating the various kinds of consciousness operating within our subtle energy systems and are also connected to the complete spectrum of human experience. There are also minor chakras in the hands, feet, fingertips and shoulders. Chakras can also be thought of as points where the soul connects with the physical body.
Understanding the chakras can be very helpful when giving Reiki treatments as any blocks or negative energies that can lodge in the chakras need to be released in order for healing to take place.
Location: Base of spine (pointing downwards)
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Central Issue: Survival (need for food, shelter, etc...)
Demon: Fear
Identity: Physical Identity (self-preservation)
Right: To be here/ to have
Location: Sacrum
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Central Issue: Sexuality/ emotions/ relationships
Demon: Guilt
Identity: Emotional Identity (self-gratification)

Location: Solar Plexus
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Sense: Sight
Central Issue: Power/ will (power centre)
Demon: Anger/ Shame
Identity: Ego Identity (Self-definition)
Right: To act/ to be free
Location: Centre of chest/heart
Color: Green
Element: Air
Sense: Touch
Demon: Grief
Identity: Social identity (Self-acceptance)
Right: To love and be loved
Location: Throat
Color: Blue
Element: Sound
Central Issue: Communication
Demon: Lies
Identity: Creative Identity (self-expression)
Right: To speak and hear the truth
Location: Between the eyebrows
Color: Indigo

Central Issue: Intuition/ imagination
Demon: Illusion
Identity: Archetypal Identity (self-reflection)
Right: To see
Location: Top of head, extends upwards
Color: Purple
Element: Thought
Central Issue: Awareness
Demon: Attachment
Identity: Universal Identity (Self-knowledge)
Right: To know
Special Therapeutic Meditation Classes

Head Office- Near Dal Lake, McLeod Ganj, Dharamshala (H.P) India
Branch Office- Near Laxman Jhula, Uttarakhand, India
Branch Office- Arambol, Goa, India Email-
Mob- 9805693514, 981649473
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